Our 2023-24 Impact Report is here

Finding their place in the world, instigating real change in the world around them and embracing sport and physical activity: our learners have demonstrating outstanding impact and achievements in 2023-24 – and it’s all in our latest impact report.

Download and read the report here >>

Taking a look back at an incredible academic year for our centres and their learners from August 2023 to July 2024, our report shows how learners use our qualifications and awards to create impact on their communities and our society as a whole.

This year’s report features inspiring stories, such as learners who have discovered careers they never previously considered, a city council using Sports Leadership to have a huge impact, and a primary school providing learners with special educational needs a boost to their confidence by giving them extra responsibility.

During this year, we’ve seen the launch of our Environment Leadership programme, empowering young people to make a difference through their own, real-life, social action project. By working with WWF and RSPB, we’re already seeing the potential of this programme coming to fruition, led by 23 Trailblazer centres.

Another of our programmes, Your Time, reached its third and final year of Department for Education funding, providing a perfect opportunity to review the impact of the programme and how it has both empowered more female leaders in sport and encouraged more girls to take part in competitive events.

We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on the report, or if it raises any questions that you’d like to ask us. Get in touch via email at hello@leadershipskillsfoundation.org or using our Live Chat if there’s anything you would like to know.